Goma, November 2019
There was a reason for Margot Wallström, the former UN envoy regarding sexual violence in war and conflict to use the words ”The world’s most dangerous place for women”. Especially here, in the east, women are particularly vulnerable. UN statistics estimate the number of women surviving sexual attacks to be around 200 000. Gabriel Moke founded the Radio Boxing Club in Goma three years ago. He is himself a former Congolese champion in the 55 kg class. That women also should have the opportunity to learn how to box is, for him, self-evident.
”I want to elevate women rights. Just as the men, women have to be involved in all parts of society. Especially here in Goma.”
Jeanciline Mulonda want to become fit, strong, loose some weight and just like her friend Ntambwe Clark be able to stand up to misogyni, in allt its forms.
”I want to be able to fight back. If I have that ability, I think it will show. Those men are cowards. They don’t attack strong women.”
2008, DR Congo, waiting for a convoy with food to arrive.
At the foot of the Nyiragongo volcano lies Kibati refugee camp for internally displaced tens of thousands of people lived, or rather, survived. It was dangerously close to the frontlines - facing the onslaught of the former Congolese army officer Laurent Nkunda. Everywhere he went with his soldiers, rape and killing was rampant. Today he is in custody somewhere in Rwanda.